Cooperation training at Hotelfachschule Thun with the future workforce

Client: Hotelfachschule Thun Services: Teamperformance Duration: Workshop series Project Lead: Malik Hashim & Arno Luginbühl


The participants of Hotel Hotelfachschule Thun were faced with the challenge of adapting to the changes in the labour market, strengthening psychological safety within their teams and training in conflict management and emotional intelligence. In addition, the participants were to recognise their own strengths through self-reflection and overcome challenges together with the help of an intervision method.

Applied Methods

  • Butterfly Walk
  • Group exercises
  • Presentation
  • Interactive self-reflection
  • Individual exercise


The Hotelfachschule Thun was able to achieve impressive results through the knowledge gained from the cooperation training: Thanks to the training programme, participants developed a deeper understanding of the complexity of conflicts and learned effective strategies for constructive conflict management.

In addition, the interactive individual exercises on emotional intelligence helped the participants to better understand their own emotions and to manage them appropriately in conflict situations. The participants became aware of the relevance of psychological safety and its positive effects on teams.



,,Social skills and competencies are the key factors for successful hospitality professionals. We are delighted to have Kitoko People as a partner in our newly designed educational program.”
Christoph Rohn (Director, Hotelfachschule Thun)

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