Generate data and increase the engagement of the younger generation within the Burgergemeinde

Client: Burgergemeinde Bern Services: Next Generation Duration: 9 months Project Lead: Arno Luginbühl & Amadeo Disasi


What are the needs of the young generation, where do they want to be involved and have an impact within the Burgergemeinde? What is important to this generation in the future? 

In a series of feedback workshops and focus groups we gathered together with the young talents insights, needs and topics that are important to them. Based on the results, Kitoko People organized together with the Board of the young Burgergemeinde an interactive and fresh event from the vision to execution.

We gave 500 young people from Generation Z a platform in form of an interactive and juicy event. The ultimate goal in this dynamic and experience-based evening was to encourage and inspire the Generation Z to participate within the diverse Burgergemeinde Berne. Furthermore Kitoko also accompanied the evening with inspiring key notes.

Applied Methods:

  • Focus Groups  
  • Feedback Workshops 
  • Process Consulting
  • Process facilitation and coaching from the vision to execution
  • Vision and goal setting of the event
  • Structure and further development of the project team
  • Project Management & agile sprints
  • Public Speaking & Storytelling


Valuable insights and data as well as an event for 500 young people (Gen Z & Y) at the beautiful Casino Berne for one night as a platform to engage and participate the young generation.


Oliver Ludwig, Commission President, Head of the young management board: ,,The collaboration with Kitoko People was very pleasant and characterized by creative approaches to solutions! Besides their flexible and motivating way, they also brought an outside perspective to our project. They had a great share in the success of the project!“


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